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15 Ogo 2014

I got my results today (and STPM tips)

I've wanted to write this post for some time, but I think that I have no right to do so until I have achieved that menacing beast that is 4 flat is STPM. 
Today,I can finally publish it :) I got my results, and its a 4.0
Thank God for his favour, wisdom and guidance!

Its inevitable that people would want to know HOW DO YOU DO IT? WHATS THE SECRET?
The secret is, there is no secret. Just hard work and self discipline.

(A) General Tips:

  1. Don't procrastinate
    I know its obvious but it is the most important thing.
    Do preparations early. At least a month before the exams, start to revise each subject.
    You sort of have to force yourself at first because there's this "Hey, exams are still XX days away! Still got a lot of time to study!" kind of feeling.
    Aaah... but when exam is closing in and the heat is on, you'll be way ahead of the pack and you don't need to cram everything and burn the midnight oil.
  2. Have a plan of action
    Plan what to study. Make a schedule and try to stick to it.
    That way, you can make sure you finish every single chapter in the end.
    Some subjects, such as Biology, needs a lot of time, so factor that in. Maths on the other hand, just need some intense quality question session.
  3. Take every exam seriously
    Monthly tests, trial exams. Take them seriously.
    They force you to revise so you won't have to do it last minute.
    You can also gauge your understanding of the subjects by how you score.
    You know where you need to work on!
    Plus, if you can actually finish all the syllabus by the time of your trials, after the trials you can fully concentrate on doing model papers and exercises and also to work on the stuff you're not good at.
  4. Plan to study everything
    To get an A, you have to study everything. Do not spot questions.
    Sure, you might get lucky and picked all the right topics to study, but more often than not, this isn't the case.
    Plan to study everything.
    The difference between getting that A and a B is the willingness to do what your peers don't want to.
    That is how, I think, I managed to get an A for PA, even though my karangan isn't that good. I studied the dasar part.
  5. Balance and discipline
    I have to put this in.
    Once upon a time, I thought I was a nerd, but then, I met the real nerds. The ones who do nothing but study. The ones who are scary good. The ones that look like they study every living moment.
    Honestly, I am not lying here. I do not study when there is no exam nearing. I watch TV after school, I take naps, I have hobbies, I go out with friends, I Facebook, I blog.
    The key here, is knowing your limits. Knowing how to control yourself and how to stop.
    We have to be balanced. I cannot imagine just studying. I have a life.
    But when exams are nearing, I can limit my TV and entertainment time. I can impose a self imposed grounding on myself. I can say no to going out with friends.
    I have self discipline.
    There has to be a balance, there is study time and there is also down time.
  6. Study smart
    Do your homework. Pay attention in class. Again, this is obvious.
    The most important thing is  DO NOT MEMORIZE. Understand the topic.
    Link information together. Make it relevant to you.
    Make stories, imagine it out.
    Make short notes.
    Find patterns.
    Let it make sense to you.
    This is all easier if you actually like the subject.
    Enjoy the studying process. Learn not for the sake of exams, but for the sake of gaining more knowledge.
  7. Know what works for you
    I like to write notes, lots of notes, that look pretty. It works for me because you have to have a general understanding of the subject before you can organize everything into short notes.
    Some like to ask questions.
    Some like to study in groups, some like to do it alone. 
(B) Specific Tips
  1. Pengajian Am
    You have to really study for this. I know it might be boring, but for the sake of that A, you have to do it - study the factual part.
    For graphs and interpretation of information part, know the format inside out. Know what you need to write, what is allowed, what is not. Do the exercise teacher gives.
  2. Mathematics (T)
    It couldn't be simpler. Do more exercises.
    And not just normal ones, but good questions. That require you to think. Try everything yourself. Do it till you get it.
  3. Chemistry
    Its all concepts in chemistry. You have to understand it. You have to "get it"
    You have to see it as a whole. Because almost everything in chemistry is related.
    A good foundation is really important here.
    When you "get it" then its really easy to see the patterns and relationships that chemistry is all about.
    Also, like everything else, do past years, do loads of exercises.
  4. Biology
    Here, it pays to know more. Refer to more books.
    Know the whole story. Know some random fun facts. It helps to keep biology fun.
    And again, understand it. Imagine processes and link the things you learn to your life.
    My friend has chicken pox. "hey, I can't catch chicken pox. I have immunity. A  secondary response will happen. When the virus attacks, my T-helper cells will......"
    That really helps. People think I'm weird, but it helps. I do it all the time.
    The more you repeat things out of memory, the more you will keep it in your memory.

These are all things I've learnt and figured out through my experiences. It is not a magic formula but its my way to study. Results may vary. ;) Everyone studies differently.
Find a way that works for you!
And lastly, keep yourself healthy. Do not study the whole night. And at the last minute, studying frantically doesn't really work. Be well rested with a clear and sharp mind.
All the best in form 6. You can do it!

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